We all are going through tough time - Novel Corona virus
We all are going through time when masks became our fashion statements. Corona virus has gulped whole world and made people it’s slaves. Novel Corona virus also known as COVID-19 is a fetal disease which spreaded all over the world and caused the life of many. It originated from Wuhan , China. It is airborne transmitted through respiratory droplets and contact routes. About 5.99 million people are effected by this deadly disease in India. Lungs are organs effected by SARS-CoV-2 as a result effected people complaint about breathing problem.
Symptoms of this virus include dry cough, fever, breathing problem, headache, sneezing. Many people lost their jobs, many had to walk thousands of miles to reach their homes. Old age people are more likely to get affected as their immune system is weaker as compared to younger people. There is fear and anxiety among people about their safety. Many people are going through depression during this lockdown which cased the life of more than 300 people.